A research project and exhibition from curators at the Rijksmuseum on ‘the representation and appreciation of insects and other small animals in the art and science of the Early Modern period’.
A series of images from my wanderings around the Crawly Creatures exhibition on a rainy Thursday morning before Christmas.
1, 10 Installation by Rafael Gómezbarros, Casa Tomada, c. 2013
2 Unknown, Illustration of a blow fly
3 Jan van Kessel I, Insects and Reptiles, c. 1660
4 Peter Paul Rubens, The Head of Medusa, c. 1617-1618
5 Henricus d’Acquet, Insecta et animalia coloribus ad vivum picta, c. 1656-1706
6, 7 Specimens preserved in spirits from the collections of Albertus Seba, c. 1717-1736
8 Robert Hooke, Micrographia, c. 1665
9 Projection of a plankton under a microscope